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Economic stagnation in a sentence

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Sentence count:22Posted:2018-05-02Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: economic statusinternational economicseconomic stabilityeconomic sanctionstagnationeconomic organizationeconomic mobilizationeconomic fluctuations
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(1) Their country suffered years of economic stagnation and mismanagement under Communist rule.
(2) The economic stagnation has severely undermined Japan's middle class.
(3) Due to prolonged economic stagnation, Ito - Yokado lessened job openings from over 1 , 000 to some 680 this year.
(4) Rising prices, economic stagnation, and fear of unemployment were the main worries.
(5) Stagflation is the combination of high unemployment and economic stagnation with inflation.
(6) While life-time employment has unraveled during decades of economic stagnation, the recruitment system remains much the same.
(7) The Iranian state news channel groused that the "people of this monarchical country" have to pay for the "most expensive" royal wedding in British history at a time of "economic stagnation".
(8) Critics fear his return could lead to economic stagnation and bring back memories of Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev's rule in the 70s and early 80s which preceded the collapse of the Soviet Union.
(9) The reason for the change of heart is economic stagnation.
(10) I had to destroy, once and for all, the vicious circle of poverty and economic stagnation.
(11) Throughout the 1950s newspapers continued to report the complaints of West Bank traders at the economic stagnation which resulted.
(12) Yet the people targeted by them still live with economic stagnation, political repression(, malnutrition and ecological crisis.
(13) Falling yields on Treasury bonds suggest that many investors worry about economic stagnation and deflation; the soaring price of gold points to fears of runaway inflation.
(14) But It'succumbed in the 18 th and 19 th centuries to economic stagnation, foreign and outright conquest.
(15) Some conclusions were obvious, such as the need to avoid economic stagnation and military adventures overseas.
(16) It is very difficult to get a job in the current society of economic stagnation.
(17) His stump speech can seem quite esoteric at times, with references to the inaugural speech of William Harrison, America's ninth president, and to Japan's "lost decade" of economic stagnation.
(18) The pricking of the bubble led to 20 years of economic stagnation.
(19) But what happens if collectivist societies snap out of their economic stagnation?
(20) Tokyo that spring was a city mired in its ninth consecutive year of economic stagnation.
(21) That is certainly true of America today as it struggles to cope with economic stagnation, enervating foreign wars and waning self-confidence.
(22) Economic growth of less than 1 % per year is considered to be economic stagnation.
More similar words: economic statusinternational economicseconomic stabilityeconomic sanctionstagnationeconomic organizationeconomic mobilizationeconomic fluctuationseconomicseconomic conditionmicro-economicsmicroeconomicseconomic contractionhome economicseconomic sectorwelfare economicsmacro-economicseconomic systemmacroeconomicssocioeconomicseconomic sciencenational economysupply-side economicseconomic regionagricultural economicseconomic expansioneconomic recessioneconomic depressionmicroeconomiceconomic
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